Al Ha VeDa על הא ודא

Whatever I feel like

Monday, August 16, 2004

Some like it hot

Update: some more details of the preparation added.

We aren't an all-the-year-round Hamin eating family, but the period during the summer when we don't eat Hamin (otherwise known as cholent) gets shorter every year, and this year it seems to be over already.

Like everybody else, I, and I alone, know the One True Way to prepare Hamin, and it's like this:

Fry the meat briefly to seal it (there is probably a technical term for this which I don't know). It should have enough fat that you don't need any added oil. Take off the heat and add some combination of salt, pepper, cummin, cinnamon, hot chilli powder, cloves, cardamons, ginger, coriander, paprika, turmeric or whatever else you feel like. Mix well. Add everything else. Cover with water. Bring to the boil and put on a hotplate until tomorrow. Serve with arak or single malt Scotch.

They may be swedes on your side of the Atlantic, but they are rutabagas on mine. Not as sweet as the lovely little purple topped turnips (navettes), but often called turnips (and cooked in their stead when navettes are unavailable) in my part of the world.

Thanks for the info, Talmida! After browsing round and elsewhere I've concluded that the Israeli "lefet" is a turnip (Brassica rapa) not a swede/rutabaga (Brassica napus napobrassica).  
The eggs are whole, in their shells.  
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